Ustrasana For Arthritis | Exercise For Back And Arthritis Pain | Treatment, Tips & Cure in Tamil

2016-01-06 48

eeling stiff on your back? Having pain in your knees and wrists perhaps? You are then most likely suffering from arthritis, a disease which causes inflammation or swelling of the joints. Arthritis is among the more common diseases in the world. It affects 40% of Americans aged 45 to 64 and 60% of those aged 65 and older.

Popular belief holds that arthritis is a sickness of the aged. But while age does increase the risk and vulnerability of people to arthritis, even children, teenagers, and young adults can have it. Cases of arthritis among children are generally termed as Juvenile Arthritis.

Arthritis is actually a term used to refer to a group of more than 100 diseases with a common factor: inflammation of the joints. The common types of arthritis are Osteoarthritis (which is the most common), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, and Fibromyalgia.

Arthritis results from the deterioration of soft tissues that cover and protect the joints. When this happens, the bones rub against each other, which is painful. While doctors are still on the process of determining what exactly causes arthritis, many believe that the deterioration may be caused by the pressure of gravity on the joints - the wear and tear of life, so to speak. Also, obesity and heredity contribute to deterioration.

Apparently, gender may be a factor. Composing 80% of osteoarthritis cases in the US, women are much more prone to osteoarthritis. For gout, however, nearly all those suffering from it are men (90%).

There may be a lifestyle factor that may explain why it is mostly men who contract gout. This is caused by excess uric acid that gets deposited in the joints. Interestingly, uric acid levels are higher for people who drink too much alcohol, as it interferes with the process of getting rid of excess uric acid.

Whatever the case may be, arthritis appears to be correlated with poor bone and muscle health, disproportionate body weight, and unhealthy lifestyle.

With Yoga, these aspects of a person's physique and life can be greatly enhanced. Yoga Poses can help strengthen your joints which is crucial in preventing and dealing with arthritis. It makes your joints function normally, thus reducing the risk of stiffness. With its virtue of balance, Yoga practice helps regulate the levels of uric acid in the body. Obesity may also be avoided through the practice. More importantly, Yoga can lead to an overall healthier lifestyle that can enhance your resistance not only from arthritis but to other sicknesses as well.

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